Billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller revealed Tuesday that he slashed his big bet in chipmaker Nvidia earlier this year, saying the swift artificial intelligence boom could be overdone in the short run."We did cut that and a lot of other positions in late March. I just need a break. We've had a...
Category: Finance
Warren Buffett’s shopping extravaganza kicks off with Squishmallows pit, ‘Poor Charlie’s Almanack’
Squishmallows in the images of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger display at the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder Meeting at Omaha, Nebraska, on May 3, 2024.Sarah Min | CNBCOMAHA, Neb. — Warren Buffett's annual shopping event, the pregame to Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting, is wowing shareholders flocking here this weekend.With over...
Here’s what changed in the new Fed statement
U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell holds a press conference following a two-day meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee on interest rate policy in Washington, D.C., on March 20, 2024.Elizabeth Frantz | ReutersThis is a comparison of Wednesday's Federal Open Market Committee statement with the one issued after the Fed's previous policymaking meeting in...